Program Details
Students must complete a 30-unit program of study, approved by the department’s director of graduate studies. At least 24 of the 30-unit program must be 600- and 700-numbered courses. Students may choose Plan A (thesis) or Plan B (portfolio assessment) for their culminating experience. For Plan B, students are examined orally by a faculty committee after submitting the required academic essays.
Students must submit a Rationale of Study proposal to the Director of Graduate Studies before a request for Advancement to Candidacy can be made.
For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or later, the following courses are required to receive an M.A. in English:
Select four courses (12 units) from the following options:
- ECL 604A - Seminar: Literary Period or Movement: American Literature Units: 3
- ECL 604B - Seminar: Literary Period or Movement: British Literature Units: 3
- ECL 604D - Seminar: Literary Period or Movement: Children’s Literature Units: 3
- ECL 606A - Seminar: A Literary Type: American Literature Units: 3
- ECL 606D - Seminar: A Literary Type: Children’s Literature Units: 3
- ECL 624 - British Literature Units: 3
- ECL 625 - Literature of the United States Units: 3
- ECL 626 - Comparative Literature Units: 3
- ECL 700 - Seminar: A Major Author or Authors Units: 3
- ECL 724 - Seminar: Issues in British Literature Units: 3
- ECL 725 - Seminar: Issues in Literature of the United States Units: 3
- ECL 726 - Seminar: Issues in Comparative Literature Units: 3
- ECL 727 - Seminar: Issues in Children’s Literature Units: 3
- RWS 600 - Reading and Writing Rhetorically Units: 3
- RWS 601A - History of Rhetoric I Units: 3
- RWS 602 - Modern Rhetoric and Composition Studies Units: 3
- RWS 640 - Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing Studies Units: 3
Students may choose Plan A (thesis) or Plan B (portfolio assessment).
- Plan A (Thesis): ECL 799A—the thesis is a sustained body of writing of around 70-90 pages.
- Plan B (Portfolio Assessment and Defense): ECL 790--The portfolio includes a seminar paper that has been revised and expanded to become a scholarly article.
Students who entered in Fall 2022 or later will complete the rationale of study in their penultimate semester, before a request for Advancement to Candidacy can be made. (For students who entered prior to Fall 2022 continue to complete the Program of Study (POS) worksheet to track your progress.)
Students may wish to consider completing an independent study with the prior approval of the Director of Graduate Studies.
Students should become familiar with the Graduate Study Guidelines before entering the MA program.
Please see our Courses page for detailed descriptions.
M.A. Time-line
The M.A. in English and Comparative Literature is a two-year program. Students should become familiar with the following M.A. timeline Fall so as to plan ahead—both to fulfill requirements and also to take advantage of the opportunities SDSU has to offer.
The Graduate Director is Professor Y Howard.
Important Links
Class Schedule | SDSU Catalog | Academic Calendar | Graduate Studies | Life on Campus
“I wouldn't have my job at the law firm without my MA. It made me a more attractive candidate to the firm. I’m really glad that I got my MA in English at SDSU. It has definitely opened doors in the legal field for me.”
—Stephanie Sandler