About the Department

For more than a century, the Department of English and Comparative Literature has fostered a deep engagement with literature and language at San Diego State University. In our classrooms, students develop depth of perspective and critical acumen as they study the literatures of the world—from ancient times to the digital era—and prepare for careers in law, business, education, digital industries, writing, editing and publishing, and public service. 

The department affirms San Diego State University’s Commitment to a diverse campus climate that promotes human dignity and mutual appreciation for each member of our community. Freedom from discrimination, harassment, and violence against persons or property is a basic right and is requisite for learning.

Literary-Focused Writing Tutoring Available

Drop-in Tutoring Available with Joey King: 

  • Tuesdays 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Thursdays 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Schedule an Appointment


Upcoming Events

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Living Writers' Series
 7:00 pm

Acclaimed Author, Poet, and Editor, Jim Miller 



Living Writers' Series
 7:00 pm

Award-winning Author, Kathryn Ma
Register in advance for this event.



Living Writers' Series
 7:00 pm

Award-winning Poet, Translator, and Editor, Matthew Zapruder


Department Bookshelf

//All Books//

Rara Avis

Rara Avis
Blas Falconer

The Perfect Place

The Perfect Place
Matt de la Peña

Reading the Old Norse-Icelandic “Maríu saga” in Its Manuscript Contexts

Reading the Old Norse-Icelandic “Maríu saga” in Its Manuscript Contexts
Daniel Najork

Rated RX: Sheree Rose with and after Bob Flanagan

Rated RX: Sheree Rose with and after Bob Flanagan
Y Howard

Wordsworth's Vagrants

Wordsworth's Vagrants: Police, Prisons, and Poetry in the 1790s
Quentin Bailey

The Book of Mormon Girl

The Book of Mormon Girl: A Memoir of an American Faith
Joanna Brooks


Digital Humanities National Center for the Study of Children's Literature SDSU Press Pacific Review Poetry International